Sunday, August 22, 2010

Evac Alert & Local State of Emergency rescinded in the City of Williams Lake

From the City of Williams Lake:

The City of Williams Lake is announcing that the Evacuation Alert in the northwest portion of the City and the State of Local Emergency Declaration have both been cancelled due to diminished threat to life and property from the Meldrum Complex of fires west of Williams Lake.

“I am pleased to be rescinding the Evacuation Alert and State of Local Emergency today, allowing our community to resume business as usual.” states Mayor Kerry Cook. “This has been a challenging week for many residents of the City and surrounding area and it is encouraging to see the change in weather and reduced fire threat in the region.”

The Emergency Reception Centre at Williams Lake Senior Secondary is being closed today with only 20 evacuees currently registered. The Canadian Red Cross, Salvation Army and Emergency Social Services support teams are in the process of returning to their communities and their assistance has been greatly appreciated by the evacuees and local volunteers.

“The cooperation and collaboration of all levels of government and the various partner agencies in managing this emergency has been absolutely amazing and I am proud of how our community has risen to the challenge and supported all of those in need during these recent days and weeks.” states Mayor Cook

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