Monday, August 23, 2010

Fight HST & Hypocrisy

Various media is reporting this morning that Fight HST has fired off a letter to BC Premier Gordon Campbell demanding that he allow a free vote on the HST in the BC Legislature this fall

See the letter from Fight HST to BC Premier Gordon Campbell here

But it seems to me that it is at the height of hypocrisy for FightHST to demand a free vote immediately on the HST when it was the same group demanding the Select Standing Committee on Legislative Initiatives to take up their HST Bill & Petition, even after Elections BC said it couldn't send the Petition to the Committee while the Petition was being debated in the BC Supreme Court. Fight HST even said it would send the Petition & their HST Bill directly to the Committee because Elections BC refused to do so

Either they respect the entire process or they don't but they can't have it both ways - talk about having your cake and eat it too.....

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