Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Hon. Ben Stewart responds to my previous letter on City of WL 2009 Annual Report

On June 23rd, I wrote to the Hon. Ben Stewart (Minister of Community & Rural Development)detailing concerns I had with the City of Williams Lake actions' on the 2009 Annual Report

See my letter to Minister Stewart here

On August 10th, Minister Stewart replied with the following, with a copy going to both City of Williams Lake Mayor Kerry Cook & Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Donna Barnett:

Dear Mr. Forseth:

Thank you for your email of June 23, 2010 regarding your concern about the release of the 2009 Annual Report for the City of Williams Lake (City)

Sections 98 & 99 of the Community Charter (Charter) require that the annual report be presented at a public meeting before June 30th, 2010 and that it be available for public inspection for at least 14 days before the public meeting. The meeting itself must be advertised, in a newspaper that is distributed at least weekly, once a week for two consecutive weeks

The main objectives of these sections of the Charter is to ensure that information is shared with the public in a timely manner following the City's year end. While the deadlines are set out in legislation, and I am sure that all local governments strive to meet them, there are a few local governments each year that are unable to do so. I am sure that any discrepancies are unintentional and the City is working to comply with the legislative requirements

I understand some of the staff at the City are new and may not have been aware of all o the legislated deadlines. Ministry of Community and Rural Development staff have spoken with the City about the concerns you have raised and have provided them with information about the annual reporting requirements

Thank you, again, for taking the time to write and express your concerns

However, I would personally note that the Annual Report requirement of the Community Charter has been in place since 2004. Brian Carruthers, the City's current CAO, has been part of the Senior Management Team at Williams Lake City Hall for quite a while, even back in the day when he was the City's General Manager of Community Services & Alberto DeFeo was the City's then-CAO. I find it unbelievable that he wouldn't be aware of the City's responsibility under Section 98 & 99 of the Community Charter. Even an casual observer of Council meetings would know that by observing what Council does on the Annual Report and what is in the local papers and put two & two together

This is another reason why I believe Williams Lake City Council erred in not externally advertising the CAO position

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