Thursday, August 5, 2010

Letter to CRD Board re: Proposed Governance Function in 2011

Earlier today, I authored a letter to the Cariboo Regional District (CRD) Board concerned with their proposal for a new Governance Function for 2011. This Function, if it proceeds, will pay for the expenses of all 16 CRD Directors - all 12 Electoral Area, or Rural, Directors and the 4 Muncipal Directors from Williams Lake, Quesnel, 100 Mile and Wells. This Function will also be paid for by all taxpayers - rural and urban in the Cariboo Regional District.

See below for the letter. I'll update my blog when I receive a response. I hope the CRD Board will consider my letter at their Aug 27th meeting:

Dear Chair Richmond and Directors:

Re: Proposed Governance Function in 2011

At the Cariboo Regional District’s (CRD) Policy Session Meeting of June 10th, 2010, the following Resolution was passed:

PS.10-06A-9 Moved Director Armstrong; Seconded Director Dumaresq:

“That the memorandum dated June 1st, 2010 from Janis Bell, Chief Administrative Officer,regarding governance costs, be received. Further, that the Board direct staff to create a new governance function for 2011 to cover the expenses related to directors’ participation at the Board table utilizing the tax base of the entire regional district.”

Carried Unanimously

It is my view that the Board erred in passing this Resolution as it is primarily intended to assist the District of Wells with their expenses to come to Williams Lake to participate in CRD Board meetings. Let me explain why I think this is wrong

Firstly, I would like to take the opportunity to thank Janis Bell, your CAO, for sitting down with myself in July to brief me on what Board Resolution #PS.10-06A-9 is intending to do.
When we have talked about establishing a Function in the Cariboo Regional District in the past, typically that meant, consulting the public, the Board giving 3 readings to a Function Establishment Bylaw, a public assent process (Counter-Petition or Referendum) is undertaken and the Board adopting the Function Establishment Bylaw, provided the public assent process is successful

However, during my meeting with Ms. Bell, she explained that what is intended with Board Resolution #PS.10-06A-9 is the creation of a new Budget Line inside the Administration Function entitled “Governance” to pay for the expenses of all 16 CRD Directors – 12 EA Directors & the 4 Muncipal Directors

Secondly, I am personally opposed to Board Resolution #PS.10-06A-9 and here’s why. In June of 1998, the District of Wells was formed and thus, no longer was Wells a community inside Electoral Area ‘C’. When that occurred, the District of Wells assumed its’ responsibilities to pay for Muncipal services by way of an annual budget & annual property tax bylaw and to pay its own way to the CRD Board table, just like the District of 100 Mile and the Cities of Quesnel and Williams Lake now do.

I am not opposed to using the entire tax base of the Cariboo Regional District to subsidize Electoral Area Directors’ to be at CRD Board meetings however I am opposed to this principle being applied for municipalities and their appointed CRD Directors as the CRD serves as local government for the 12 Electoral Areas

In 2003, the municipalities of Quesnel, Williams Lake and 100 Mile House were asked to help subsidize expenses for the District of Wells to come to Williams Lake to attend CRD Board meetings. However, Quesnel, Williams Lake and 100 Mile House Councils’ respectfully declined to subsidize the District of Wells expenses to come to Williams Lake to attend CRD Board meetings

However, the Electoral Area Directors agreed to subsidize the District of Wells’ expenses to attend CRD Board meetings for a period of time that, I believe, ran from 2003 until 2008.

If we are truly interested in solving the District of Wells’ issue around attendance at CRD Board meetings, certainly, I would not be opposed to one of the following options being implemented. Those options could include:

a) District of Wells de-incorporating and becoming a community inside Electoral Area ‘C’ once again
b) District of Wells indicates how many CRD Board meetings in a year that they are able to personally attend and participate via teleconference for the remainder
c) CRD Board installs web cams in the Boardroom in Williams Lake and the District of Wells’ Director drives to Quesnel to participate in CRD Board meetings from the CRD Office there. In addition, this may be a bonus for the Chilcotin Directors’ who face a significant drive to Williams Lake and Highway 20 is not the most pleasant road to drive in the winter

Please Note –Development of a Board policy around how a CRD Director(s) would qualify for remuneration/expenses if they participated in a Board meeting via webcam or teleconference should be considered

I would also note that Area ‘F’ Director Duncan Barnett warned the Board in 2007 that Horsefly may try to separate from Electoral Area ‘F’ and become its’ own municipality. Please note – Horsefly has close to 1,000 residents whereas Wells only has 250 and is the Board really willing to look at this issue on a “one-off” basis?

The Board should not subsidize those communities who do not do their homework beforehand and look at all the costs of becoming a municipality including participation at the CRD Board table, Council & Staff Administration, provision of municipal services, etc.

I respectfully ask the Board to rescind CRD Board Resolution PS.10-06A-9 and assist the District of Wells in its’ participation at the CRD Board by looking at non-taxation options.

Thank you for your consideration in this matter

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