Friday, August 20, 2010

Provincial Arts Funding

This morning, there's a story at CBC-BC's website where the Canadian Conference of the Arts calling BC's cuts to arts funding a "strategic error". You can read the story here

What I find unfortunate is Arts Groups calling decreasing arts funding by Victoria/Ottawa "deplorable". I think that Arts Groups, like other groups, need to remember that there is only 1 taxpayer and they can only give so much to Victoria/Ottawa so it behooves the provincial/federal governments to spend that money is the best way they can and if that means certain groups get less money then in times past, so be it, from my perspective.


  1. how bout we would have the funding if our govt wasnt so in bed with big business that we dont make them pay their taxes? Or how bout we have realistic pay salaries instead of 400k pay for BC hydro know, little things......

  2. I have to agree with the person who posted the previous comment.
    So the government can afford a new retractable roof on BC Place in a climate where it rains a good part of the year.
    What needs to be clarified is that the funding the arts is an investment. The government sees a return on this investment. Arts funding is not a handout.
    BTW: In 50 to 100 years from now, no one will remember who was Mayor or Premier but they will remember the innovators and artists.

  3. Thanks for the comments and all the points raised are true.

    As for arts funding being an investment - I'm not sure I can agree with that point. As you may be aware, we have a local tax called "Arts and Culture Function" and as of Jan/Feb of this year, residents in CRD Electoral Areas D, E, F & City of WL have continually raised their displeasure around the implementation of this tax and the fact they (taxpayers) do not see value for this Function and it is already been in place for 2 full tax years (2009 and 2010). The CRD & City of WL are going to have to do a better communication job to ensure the public stays on side in support the CRD's Arts and Culture Function, less the next CRD Board & Williams Lake Council may decide to withdraw it

  4. Any civilization that doesnt put stock in arts and culture is doomed to fail. Read a history book.
