Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Update to Community Arts Council debt to City of Williams Lake

In early January 2010, at a Committee of the Whole meeting, Williams Lake Council considered a report from the City's CAO regarding the outstanding debt of the Community Arts Council of $9,163 to the City

Then at the January 26th, 2010 Williams Lake Council Meeting, Council passed Resolution #23/2010:

That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #5-2010, the report of the Chief Administrative Officer dated December 8, 2009 and the report of the Community Arts Council of Williams Lake with respect to their financial status be received and Staff discuss with the Community Arts Council a strategy to reimburse the City for outstanding rent and report back to Council; and further, approval be given for occupancy of studio space in the old Fire Hall for the Spinners/Weavers, Potter's Guild and Artists Society and office space for the Community Arts Council at a rental rate to be negotiated and approved by Council.

Given it was just over 6 months since this Council Resolution was passed, I asked Brian Carruthers, the City CAO what has taken place, with regard to this Resolution via email on Friday, August 6th

Late Wednesday, August 11th, I received the following email from him:

The Arts Council has made a proposal to the City to settle their debt and it has gone to both Finance and Community Services Portfolios. We are waiting for the 2 Portfolios to have a joint meeting but with summer vacations, that hasn’t happened yet. I trust that answers your question

Now, we don't know yet what the actual proposal that the Community Arts Council made to the City on their outstanding backrent at the former Heritage House of $9,163 but I look forward to seeing this proposal. In the meantime, I intend to see Williams Lake City Councillor Tom Barr and suggest to him any arrangement that sees less than the full $9,163 paid back that the Arts Council owes City taxpayers' is unacceptable to me as 1 City taxpayer

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