Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Chair/Vice-Chair of Legislative Initiatives Committee selected

Dr. Terry Lake (Kamloops-North Thompson) has been elected as Chair of the Select Standing Committee on Legislative Initiatives with Jenny Kwan (Vancouver-Mount Pleasant) selected as Deputy Chair

The Committee is now reviewing its' role with regard to the HST Initiative Petition and is presently taking up the referred HST Initiative Petition with a proposed motion from Jenny Kwan that the Committee table a report directing the proposed HST Extinguishment Act be introduced in the BC Legislature at the earliest opportunity

UPDATE #1 Eric Foster (Vernon - Monashee) then moved "That the debate be adjourned" and the Committee recessed at 1:21pm to ensure that parliamentary protocol is being followed.

UPDATE #2 - The Committee has formally adjourned debate on Jenny Kwan's motion by a 5-4 vote (BC Lib - NDP)

UPDATE #3 - Eric Foster has now moved that the Committee Clerk ask the Acting Chief Electoral Officer to get information on a Intiative Vote (Referendum) and the Committee is now debating this motion

UPDATE #4 - Jenny Kwan has moved an amendment to ask the Acting Chief Electoral Officer to appear before the Committee to present information on the conduct of a "Initiative Vote" or Referendum in 2011.  The Chair has requested that the amendment be tabled until the Committee Clerk can determine if the Committee can, if fact, ask the Acting Chief Electoral Officer to appear before the Committee. Jenny Kwan has demanded that the Chair (Dr. Terry Lake) rule forthwith on Ms. Kwan's amendment.  The debate continues... The Committee has recessed again at 2:04pm & the Committee resumed at 2:09 with Jenny's Kwan's amendment agreed to by the Committee with Eric Foster's amended Motion was agreed to

UPDATE #5 - Dave Hayer has suggested that the Committee meet next on Monday, September 13th, 2010 at 1:00pm and the Committee has agreed to this suggestion and the Committee adjourned at 2:12pm

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