Wednesday, September 15, 2010

City of WL announces formation of Cariboo Lodge Task Force

From the City of Williams Lake:

Williams Lake Committee of Whole Council is recommending that Council, at its' September 21st meeting, approve the formation of a Task Force to explore development opportunities for the old Cariboo Lodge facility on 4th Avenue

According to Councillor Natalie Hebert, "The City purchased this facility in 2007 in order to have the ability to influence future development of the site. This Task Force will have a mandate to examine the various housing and development needs in the City and make recommendations to Council with respect to how the site can be best utilized."

Formation of the Task Force follows a request to Council from the Senior's Advisory Committee to consider developing the site exclusively for seniors housing. "It is incumbent upon Council to carefully consider all needs in the community when determining the future of Cariboo Lodge," states Mayor Kerry Cook. "The Task Force will provide a community based approach to planning for the future of this valuable community asset."

Assessments of the Cariboo Lodge facility have determined varying degrees of non-compliance with the Building Code and structural deficiencies in the two older wings of the building. The newer Heritage House wing meets all current standards and has been leased to the Canadian Mental Health Association for a care facility. It is anticipated that any future use of the facility for housing would require demolition of the two older structures
However, it should be noted:
1) Councillor Sue Zacharias said at Tuesday's Committee of the Whole Council meeting, as far as members' who may sit on this Task Force go, people should apply to Council to be appointed to this Task Force.  Everyone in Williams Lake will know lots of people who have direct knowledge of the Cariboo Lodge site issue and those people are the only ones who should be appointed to this Task Force.  Furthermore, if we are looking at the future development of Cariboo Lodge, then the Task Force should only be restricted at looking at how Cariboo Lodge can be developed into a Seniors' Facility of some sort - nothing else in my mind and likely the community's mind will do and let's leave the other housing issues in the community to a different Committee/Portfolio or Task Force
2) The old Poplar Glade school site has sat dormant for quite a few years now and why isn't Williams Lake City Council looking at that site and trying to acquire it for low-income housing for families.  The site still has an outdoor gym which would go hand-in-hand with a low-income housing site, similiar to Glendale Place

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