Thursday, September 30, 2010

City of WL & RCMP respond to CTV-BC News re: Jail Cell incident at WL RCMP Detachment

After last night's CTV-BC news story about a jail incident at the Williams Lake RCMP Detachment, both the City of Williams Lake & RCMP - "E" Division have both responded to this media story

See the City of Williams Lake response here
See the RCMP - "E" Division response here

Also - the BC Civil Liberties Association has formally filed a complaint against the local WL RCMP Detachment Commander - Staff Sgt Warren Brown.  See the Williams Lake Tribune story here

Note - It is unfortunate that the CTV-BC news story has put Staff-Sgt Warren Brown in such a negative light.  Every time I see him at a Williams Lake Council or Committee of the Whole Council meeting, he really seems a warm person and wanting to do the right kind of criminal prevention activities for our community

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