Chair A. Richmond with Directors Armstrong, Faust, Massier, Bischoff, Mazur, Barnett, Dumaresq, Glassford, Bracewell, Mumford, Rattray, Cook, Sjostrom, Campsall and Vermette
Staff Present:
Janis Bell – CAO (Chief Administrative Officer)
Rick Hodgson – Deputy CAO
Alice Johnston – Corporate Officer
Lynn Paterson – Chief Financial Officer
Rick Brundrige - Manager of Planning
Meeting called to order at 9:45am
Meeting Agenda adopted
Meeting Minutes of July 9th & Special Meeting Minutes of July 28th adopted
The CAO gave an update on the variable tax rate option on the 911 Function during consideration/adoption of Special CRD Board Meeting Minutes of July 28th. This matter will be considered further at the October CRD Board meeting
The Memorandum of Business for Delegations, as of September 2nd, was received
Planning/Building Inspection/Bylaw Enforcement:
1) DVP (Development Variance Permit) #462 was brought forward for consideration & approved by the Board
2) Strata Building Conversion #1 was approved by the Board
3) 6 Planning Bylaws were given 1st and 2nd Reading
4) 6 Planning Bylaws were adopted
5) 5 DVP’s were approved
6) 1 ALR (Agriculture Land Reserve) application was rejected for submission to the Agriculture Land Commission – Electoral Area ‘G’, based on the recommendation of the Area ‘G’ APC (Advisory Planning Commission)
7) CRD Staff were instructed to prepare amendments to Cariboo Regional District Bylaw No. 4246, 2007 to include staff delegation for Geotechnical Hazard Development Permits. Staff were also asked to mapping/draft policies to public meetings for both WL Fringe and Quesnel Fringe OCP’s (Official Community Plans)
8) The Board received a letter from the Shuswap Nation Tribal Council regarding Land Use Planning & Local Government Act.
9) The Board received a Building Stats’ report for June 2010
10) The Board issued various Notices on Title
Environmental Services:
1) The Board received the Proposed Water/Sewer Projects Report
2) The Board agreed that Part 2 of the Alexis Creek Water System Conservation Plan be amended to include a fourth action plan as follows: ‘determine the level of water consumption that would trigger implementation of water meters to achieve conservation goals’, and that the Alexis Creek Water System Conservation Plan be endorsed and submitted to the Ministry of Community and Rural Development
3) The Board received the Refuse Inspection Site report for the period of June 23-August 16, 2010
Community Services:
1) The Board approved an application being submitted to the Airport Capital Assistance Program for $203,165 to purchase a runway sweeper for the Anahim Lake Airport
2) The Board received a report from the CRD Manager of Community Services on 2010-2011 C2C (Community-to-Community) Funding and that Staff contact local First Nations and request that they initiate applying for C-2-C Funding with the Cariboo Regional District support this application with the topic of emergency planning being a discussion item.
3) That Board Policy No. 91-4-4(y) (Purchasing) be waived and the supervision contract be awarded to UBC as the organization that prepared the fuel management prescriptions for the 108 Greenbelt Fuel Management Project
The meeting recessed at 10:59am
The meeting resumed at 11:09am
Protective Services:
1) The Board declared October 3-9, 2010 as “Fire Prevention Week” in the Cariboo Regional District
1) The Board received a report from the CRD Manager of Communications on the Lieutenant-Governor’s Awards for Public Safety and agreed to nominate the local Wildfire Fire Prevention Secretariat for this award
2010-2011 Forest Capital of Canada:
1) The Board received an update report from the Forest Capital of Canada Committee
1) The Board received the Chief Financial Officer’s Report
2) The Cheque Register for May 2010 was ratified – Area ‘F’ Director Duncan Barnett was opposed
3) A letter from Ron Rasmussen (CRD Auditor) regarding the 2009 CRD Audit was acknowledged & received and Staff were asked to develop a policy for the write-off of uncollectable debts to the Cariboo Regional District and the CAO was asked to provide a formal response to the Auditor’s report concerning the 2009 CRD Budget audit
4) The Board authorized the Area ‘G’ Director to use up to $150 of the Area ‘G’ Opportunity Fund for the South Cariboo Fall Fair
1) The Board received the BC Ombudsperson’s Report for the period of April 1 – June 30th which include an complaint laid against the Cariboo Regional District
2) The Board received a request from the CUPW (Canadian Union of Postal Workers’) regarding the Canadian Postal Service Charter & future of the Canadian Post Corporation and a letter be forwarded to the Canadian Postal Corporation asking for their future plans with regard to rural postal services
3) The Board received the results of CRD Board Special Voting done on July 15th on rescind of Third Reading of CRD Bylaw #4616, 2010 (100 Mile Curling Rink Service Establishment) & Bylaw #4616, 2010 was then read a third time, as amended
4) The Board agreed to give a letter of support to allow BC Wireless Ltd to acquire a land use permit to develop a communications site at a mountain location above Canim Lake to allow them to have access to broadband wireless Internet - Area 'D' Director Deb Bischoff was opposed
Thanks for posting this. I have a house on Canim Lake, and it's interesting to find out that we could have cell phone / wireless internet service there sometime in the not too distant future.