Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Mackenzie Avenue Rehab Project - Weekly Update

Work Currently Underway

• Paving of the top lift is underway. It is expected that all lanes will be complete, from Highway 97 in the north to the Stampede Grounds, by Wednesday, September 22. A few street tie-ins remain to be completed, so drivers should continue to use caution at intersections.

• The current schedule indicates that the intersection of Highway 20 and Mackenzie Avenue will be paved the night of Monday, September 27, so delays can be expected at that time.

• The final grading for the mixed-use path should wrap up by Wednesday, September 22, at which time it will be prepared for paving.

• Works are also nearing completion on the drainage improvement areas near Borland Road. Only a few minor items remain. This includes adjustment of a catch basin near the intersection at Highway 97, and construction of a swale.

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