Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Marilyn Baptiste - Ottawa "must' kill Prosperity Mine proposal

In a Op-Ed (Opinion Editorial) in the Globe and Mail - Xeni Gwet'in (Nemiah Valley) Band Chief Marilyn Baptiste pleads with the Federal Cabinet to kill the Prosperity Mine proposal, west of Williams Lake

See here

Note - While I respect the views of Chief Baptiste, the regional needs of people require that the Federal Cabinet approve the Prosperity Mine proposal and they do so forthwith


  1. if these people spent as much time working with the process and developing commerce on their own as they did protesting and complaining they would be the new rulers of BC.

  2. How easy it is to say other people should give up their rights and way of life and see their ancestral lands turned from one of the most beautiful spots on earth into something ressembling Flanders Field - minus the Poppies.

    How easy it is to preach sacrifices for the great good when the good one is talking about is one's own and the sacrifices are someone elses.

  3. i sacrifice every day as my hard earned dollars are spent babysitting a culture that needs to adapt. Any culture has been faced with evolutionary srtuggles and those that dont adapt disappear. I would suggest taking cues from Kamloops and Kelowna FN bands and evolve and take some responsiblity for your own actions or get out of the way for Canadians.

  4. Guess the TNG and other groups arent getting enough bribe money. Or maybe they are afraid of working for a living.
