Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Ottawa refuses to shoulder more costs for RCMP services

Ottawa announced today at the 107th UBCM Convention that it will not budge from the traditional RCMP funding models for communities in BC:

0 - 5,000 - do not pay
5,000 - 15,000 - 70% paid by local community and 30% paid by Victoria/Ottawa
15,000+ - 90% paid by local community and 10% paid by Victoria/Ottawa

See here

Note - This news is extremely disappointing given Victoria has said that no local government will be allowed to look at starting its' own muncipal police force.  Given that Ottawa is refusing to assist BC communities with their escalating police costs, Ottawa/Victoria should allow muncipalities to look at the option of starting its' own muncipal force, if it turns out that doing so works out cheaper for our local government policing budget

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