Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Quesnel Council Highlights - September 13th meeting

Quesnel a Solar Community

Quesnel is the latest community to be named a Solar Community by SolarBC. The City has received a $5,000 grant to be used for future solar initiatives. The Quesnel and District Arts and Recreation Centre makes use of solar technology to provide hot water for the pools, greatly reducing natural gas costs. SolarBC is funded by the federal and provincial governments with a mandate of making solar hot water accessible, affordable and a practical energy solution.

Transit fares increased

Some Quesnel Transit fares will increase on January 1, 2011, the first time fares have increased since 2003. An adult will pay $1.75 for a ride, up from $1.50. The price of a monthly pass for seniors and students, however, remains unchanged at $25. The changes will generate roughly $9,000 per year.
Quesnel Transit has enjoyed remarkable success since its inception in 2001. Annual increases in ridership have become the norm, with new partnerships forged with First Nations and Northern Health adding to the system's productivity and use.
Below are the new fares (with the old fares in brackets).
            Cash Fare          Day pass    Monthly Pass
Adult       $1.75 ($1.50)     $3.50 ($3)  $35 ($30)
Senior      $1.50 ($1.25)     $3 ($2.50)  $25 ($25)
Student     $1.50 ($1.25)     $3 ($2.50)  $25 ($25)

Grants in Aid program eliminated

City Council opted to eliminate its Grant in Aid program. Council is anticipating another challenging budget process in 2011 and as the City regularly contributes to the Quesnel Community Foundation, it was felt that there was no reason for the City to continue operating a similar program. If future grant funds should become available, the City will be able to forward those funds to the QCF.

Notices on title placed

Council approved placing notice on title on two properties. The sites, located at 114 Lowe St. and 2489 Larch Ave., underwent varying types of construction or demolition projects but have not had the appropriate inspections completed. The notices serve as warnings to future purchasers of the property that the projects were not completed in accordance with local building regulations.

Other News

At a special meeting held Sept. 7, Council awarded the contract for entrance improvements to the Fraser River Footbridge. The tender was awarded to Vachon Construction for $245,817, including HST. Some of the work includes: removing the existing planters, pavers and posts at each end of the bridge; installing new planters, pavers and posts; and adding a section of sidewalk on the east side from the bridge to the existing parking lot just south on Front Street.

Important Dates

September 16 - Cariboo Regional District Community BBQ - 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the West Fraser Fire Hall 

Sept. 17 - CRD "Board on the Road" meeting - 9:30 a.m. at the West Fraser Fire Hall.

September 16-18 - Federation of BC Woodlot Associations and Woodlot Product Development Council's Joint Annual General Meeting and Conference in Quesnel.

September 17, 6:30 p.m. - Women's Memorial Monument unveiling - on Riverfront Trail at the end of Bowron Avenue near the Hwy. 97 overpass.

September 19 - Terry Fox Run

October 23 - Quesnel and District Child Development Centre Annual Variety Show Fundraiser


September - Big Brothers/Big Sisters Month Sept. 27 to Oct. 1 - Right to Know Week October 18 to 24 - Waste Reduction Week Oct. 18 to 23 - Child Development Week

Future Quesnel Council or North Cariboo Joint Committee Meeting Dates:

Next North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee Meeting 
September 14

Next Delegation Meeting: 
October 4

Next Regular Council Meeting: 
October 18 

Next Committee of the Whole Meeting: 

October 25

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