Wednesday, September 29, 2010

UBCM defers vote on 4 Year Local Government Terms

After a 1st vote of 268-244 and much arguing over procedural rules and passionate debate on changing the local government term from 3 to 4 years which included the following comments:

Lloyd Forman (Area 'A' Director of the Fraser Valley Regional District) - if you have 4 year terms, why  not term limits too

Ellen Woodsworth (Vancouver City Councillor) - 4 year terms necessary for stability/maturity

John Ranns (Mayor of Metchosin) - 4 years too long for politicians, too long to keep people focused

Randy Halyk (Kitimat Councillor) - need 4 year term to learn local issues

Ralph Forsyth (Whistler Councillor) - 4 year terms harmful for young people trying to establish their career and running for local gov't office

A re-vote on the UBCM Resolution to extend local government terms from 3 to 4 years will occur tomorrow (Thursday) morning

In other UBCM News:

1) UBCM Delegates have approved a Resolution (Motion) calling on Victoria to move the date of the next local government election from November to October

2) UBCM Delegates have defeated a Resolution (Motion) calling on Victoria/Ottawa to amalgamate provincial and federal environmental assessment rules

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