Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Wally Oppal (former BC Attorney-General) heads up Willy Pickton Inquiry

Hon. Mike De Jong (BC Attorney-General) has appointed Wally Oppal (former BC Attorney-General) to head up the Willy Pickton Public Inquiry. 

However, some groups including the Union of BC Indian Chiefs', have come out and criticized the move

Note - The provincial government has goofed on this move, given Wally Oppal is a former politician and it has the appearance of paying Mr. Oppal, a defeated candidate in the 2009 Provincial Election in Delta-South, back for losing the election in Delta-South.  The provincial government should find another ex-judge or eminent individual that has no connection to politics or to the Pickton court case

See the story from CBC-BC's website here

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