Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Bob Simpson for BC NDP Leader...? (Updated)

In his column this week, Cariboo-North NDP MLA Bob Simpson bemoans the fact that the Premier, the BC NDP Leader/Leader of the Official Opposition and Stockwell Day (Federal President of the Treasury Board) played more for the press than UBCM delegates.  His comment about his Leader, Carole James, was most telling:

The Leader of the Opposition likewise had little concrete to offer the delegates other than a commitment to be more consultative than the current government and a promise to explore the possibility of revenue sharing with local governments. This is a timely concept which has the potential to address the resource needs of local governments, but the lack of specifics was a disappointment to delegates. 

Is Bob Simpson readying himself for a run at Carole James's job in November of 2011 (next BC NDP Convention) ?  If so - he's doing a good job at it

See Bob Simpson's weekly column here
See Public Eye Online's story on this here

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