Tuesday, October 26, 2010

City of WL hires new Communications Coordinator

From the City of Williams Lake:

Note - I don't remember see this position being put out for competition.  If it turns out to be true - it really is disappointing and lends credence to that old political saying "It's not what you know, but who you know that counts".  I'd also point out that the CRD Admininistrator pointed out to me recently that most orgnizations including the Cariboo Regional District & City of Williams Lake should have (and believe do have) a succession plan for their Staff, but when hiring, you should not be entirely guided by the Succession Plan, but use the Succession Plan as a "guide" to hiring future City or CRD Staff, depending on the circumstances that the City or CRD may find themselves in

The City of Williams Lake is very pleased to announce that Ken MacInnis will be assuming the role of Communication Coordinator for the City of Williams Lake effective November 1, 2010. Ken is well recognized in the Community as the Editor of the Williams Lake Tribune.

According to Chief Administrative Officer Brian Carruthers, “a previous Communications Manager position was eliminated in 2009 due to budget constraints. However, we have found it a challenge to provide appropriate communication services without a dedicated staff member. The City undertook some organizational restructuring so that the new Communications Coordinator could be hired within the existing staffing budget.”

The City looks forward to having Ken MacInnis joining our team and improving the capacity for effective and timely communication with the Community.

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