Friday, October 29, 2010

Living Wage Policy in Williams Lake....?

Earlier this week, Jay Goddard from the local Social Planning Council raised the possibility with Williams Lake Council at the last Committee of the Whole meeting that they intend to come back to Council in the short-term future with the idea around a living wage policy for the City of Williams Lake.  See the Social Planning Council's blog post on this item here

This, of course, is not a new idea.  The City of New Westminister & the Township of Esquimalt either have or are looking seriously at such a policy.  Such a policy has been endorsed by groups like the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.  See some of their material on a living wage policy here

On the other hand, some argue from a municipal government perspective, a living wage policy hurts the very people it was intended to help.  See an article on this argument here 

Question - Should the City of Williams Lake implement a living wage policy here?

I'm interested in any & all comments on both sides on this policy discussion

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