Tuesday, October 26, 2010

"New" Provincial Cabinet

BC Premier Gordon Campbell made some major changes to his Cabinet and here they are:

Premier – Hon. Gordon Campbell

Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation – Hon. Barry Penner

Agriculture – Hon. Ben Stewart

Attorney General – Hon. Mike de Jong

Children and Family Development – Hon. Mary Polak

Citizens’ Services – Hon. Mary McNeil

Community, Sport and Cultural Development – Hon. Stephanie Cadieux

Education – Hon. George Abbott

Energy – Hon. Bill Bennett

Environment – Hon. Murray Coell

Minister of State for Climate Action – Hon. John Yap

Finance and Deputy Premier (Minister Responsible for Small Business) – Hon. Colin Hansen

Forests, Mines and Lands – Hon. Pat Bell

Minister of State for Mining – Hon. Randy Hawes

Health Services – Hon. Kevin Falcon

Labour – Hon. Iain Black

Natural Resource Operations – Hon. Steve Thomson

Public Safety and Solicitor General (Minister Responsible for Housing) Hon. Rich Coleman

Minister of State for Building Code Renewal – Hon. Naomi Yamamoto

Regional Economic and Skills Development – Hon. Moira Stilwell

Science and Universities – Hon. Ida Chong

Social Development – Hon. Kevin Krueger

Tourism, Trade and Investment (Minister Responsible for the Intergovernmental Relations Secretariat) – Hon. Margaret MacDiarmid

Transportation and Infrastructure – Hon. Shirley Bond

Your Parliamentary Secretaries are:

Parliamentary Secretary for the Asia-Pacific Initiative to the Minister of Tourism, Trade and Investment – Richard Lee

Parliamentary Secretary for Health Promotion to the Minister of Health Services – Terry Lake

Parliamentary Secretary for HST Information to the Minister of Finance – John Les

Parliamentary Secretary for the Mountain Pine Beetle Action Committees to the Minister of Regional Economic and Skills Development – Donna Barnett

Parliamentary Secretary for Multiculturalism to the Minister of Regional Economic and Skills Development – Dave Hayer

Parliamentary Secretary for the Natural Gas Initiative to the Minister of Energy – Pat Pimm

Parliamentary Secretary for Silviculture to the Minister of Forests, Mines and Lands – John Rustad

Parliamentary Secretary for Social Entrepreneurship to the Minister of Finance – Gordon Hogg

Note: It'll be interesting to see how the Premier follows this up tomorrow night with his speech to British Columbians.  In any event, the fall-out has started.  The new Energy Minister has let it be known that he is upset that the Premier did not consult the Caucus or Cabinet with regard to the changes.  See that story here

Also - Vaughn Palmer and Mike Smyth (Political Columnists for Vancouver Sun/Province) provide their analysis on the cabinet changes here (Palmer) and here (Smyth)

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