Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Premier's TV Speech tonight

On Tuesday, BC Premier Gordon Campbell appointed Chilliwack MLA (and former Solicitor-General & Chilliwack Mayor) John Les as Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Finance on HST Information. 

CBC-BC has a preview of the Premier's TV speech tonight here

As part of the provincial government's "wish" to retain the HST, they are opening an HST Information Center on Monday, November 1st.  See the Opinion story on it here

But honestly - will anyone be listening??  Not likely - most of the people in the Cariboo-Chilcotin I talk to have their minds made up on the HST and believe that this will be a major factor when a recall campaign against sitting BC Liberal MLA Donna Barnett commences in the new year.  The only way Donna Barnett gets to keep her job is when she distances herself from BC Liberal Party Leader Gordon Campbell and state it is time to review the HST and whether or not it is even worth the hassle of keeping the HST around and this should take place long before the HST Vote on September 24th, 2011 and certainly before recall campaigns commence on January 1st, 2011 otherwise she'll been known as an former Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA

1 comment:

  1. A pathetic example of a fallen leader. Does he really think that th 15% tax "break" is really a "break". Is he not just giving back money his corrupt government took away from the hard working citizens of BC through every other tax he dreamed up after re-election.? This is pandering at its best from the worst rated Premier in history. Glad the BC Conservative Party is so fired up and on the move as the NDP choice is clearly not a smart choice.
