Saturday, October 9, 2010

Proposed Terms of Reference for Cariboo Lodge Task Force

On Tuesday, WL Council, meeting in Committee of the Whole, will consider a proposed Terms of Reference for the Cariboo Lodge Redevelopment Task Force.  The proposed membership of the Task Force will be:

• one representative from the development/construction community;
• one representative from a non-profit housing society;
• one representative from the financial sector (bank or credit Union);
• one representative from the Social Planning Council;
• three representatives from the community representing potential tenants: seniors (1), families (1), and people with disabilities (1);
• two representatives from the provincial government: BC Housing (1) and MCFD (1); and
• one representative from Interior Health.
• one member of Council

The Task Force will also be asked (if the Terms of Reference are approved) to report back with recommendations by no later than January of 2012, which by then, a new City Council will have been elected and may itself have different ideas for Cariboo Lodge. 

These Terms of Reference should be a major let-down for seniors' in our community, given the presentation that Audrey MacLise (Chair - Williams Lake & Area Seniors' Advisory Council) gave to WL Council, during its' August 31st Committee of the Whole Meeting.  It is clear that WL Council has now decided not to listen to neither seniors' or to the community on what the future of Cariboo Lodge should be - a home for seniors' and no one else.  It is also clear that the Cariboo Lodge site issue will be one of the major issues facing voters' when they go to the polls next fall to elect a new Williams Lake City Council

See the proposed Terms of Reference here

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