Monday, October 18, 2010

Quesnel Council Highlights - October 18th meeting

Literacy champion thanked

Rebecca Beuschel, a long-time literacy advocate, was thanked by Quesnel City Council and applauded for her recent Canada Post Community Literacy Award. These awards were created in 1993 to recognize the achievements of Canadians "who have made a special effort or an important contribution to literacy." Beuschel, the Literacy Outreach Coordinator for the Literacy Quesnel Society, has worked in the literacy field for more than 10 years. She's taught English as a Second Language to adults and coordinates adult literacy tutoring programs and family literacy programs.

UBCM wrap-up

Council reviewed a summary of the various awards and meetings at the annual UBCM convention held in late September.
- The City received an honourable mention in the UBCM Community Excellence Awards - Best Practices for its Bulk Water Distribution Plant.
- The City received an honourable mention in the partnerships category for the work of the Quesnel Community and Economic Development Corporation with the Lillooet economic development office on the Gold Rush Living partnership.
- The City was a funding partner and participant in the Cariboo Regional District's BC Street initiative during the Olympics, which received an honourable mention in that same category.
- Quesnel City Council saw both of their resolutions endorsed at the convention. The first involved the location of assessment appeal hearings, which received an honourable mention in the Gold Star Resolution recognition initiative.
- Quesnel's second successful resolution revolved around the idea of a single transferable license plate.
- Mayor Mary Sjostrom will begin a seventh year on the Union of British Columbia Municipalities Board, having been elected this year as second Vice-President.
- Council members also reported out on their highlights, including the ministerial meetings, workshops and seminars they attended.

Other News

- Council awarded the contract for lighting improvements to the Fraser River Footbridge at a special meeting held Oct. 4. The tender was awarded to James and Sons Electric for $131,600, including HST. The work includes installation of a lighting system that allows the bridge to be enhanced by multiple colour schemes.
- The Quesnel Regional Airport has collected $109,000 more in revenues than was projected for 2010. Due to a very busy forest fire season, a tanker base was set up for three weeks at the airport. In addition, about 24 helicopter companies used the airport as an overnight base and equipment storage area.
- Council approved the installation of a five-piece fitness station at the West Fraser Timber Park. The Quesnel Rotary Club is providing the $26,000 in required funding.
- Council approved a development permit for a property at 884 Front Street. The application was for a 2,300 square-foot storage area addition at Canadian Western Mechanical.
- Council approved a development permit for a property at 1410 Hwy. 97 North. The application was for the addition of a second storey and a service bay at Cariboo Propane.

Important Dates

Oct. 19, 7 p.m. - Town Hall meeting hosted by Cariboo North MLA Bob Simpson at the Royal Canadian Legion Oct. 23 - Quesnel and District Child Development Centre Annual Variety Show Fundraiser Nov. 6 - Diwali Fireworks display Nov. 20, 5 p.m. - 10th Annual Taste of Quesnel Variety Dinner and Artisan Auction at the Seniors' Centre in support of the Quesnel and District Hospice Palliative Care Association.

Oct. 18 to 24 - Waste Reduction Week
Oct. 18 to 23 - Child Development Week
October - Foster Family Appreciation Month Nov. 14 to 21 - Restorative Justice Week

Future Quesnel Council or North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee Meeting Dates:

Next Committee of the Whole Meeting:
October 25

Next Regular Council Meeting:
November 1

Next Delegation Session Meeting:
November 8

Next North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee Meeting
November 9

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