Saturday, October 30, 2010

Regional Districts in BC

Last night, I got the following "Tweet" from ( a blog which reviews civic & governance matters in the Lower Mainland:

"Unelected Metro Board ups budget by 6%"

Now - I guess I take a little issue with that because what they are saying is that the municipal directors' on all 27 Regional District Boards are all "unelected" which is factually not correct

In all 27 regional districts, there are two types of directors - Electoral Area & Muncipal.  And although Muncipal Directors' are not "directly" elected to the local Regional District Board, they (municipal director(s)) are still answerable to their local citizens who elect them to sit on their municipal government (local councils)

Although I was disappointed to read that the Metro Vancouver Board (formerly Greater Vancouver Regional District) raised taxes by 6% and could have cut back more, saying that Directors' from places like Burnaby, Vancouver, Surrey, etc are "unelected" is not true, but they just answer to a different set of people.  Coincidentally, the Metro Vancouver Board only has 1 Electoral Area Director + many Muncipal Directors' whereas the remaining 26 Regional District Boards' have a fair number of Rural Directors' (exact number ranges from Regional District to Regional District) and Muncipal Directors (again, exact number ranges on how many municipalities exist in each regional district)

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