Friday, October 1, 2010

Steve Rant - Premier Campbell and the HST

Earlier today, I blogged on the fact that the Premier, at his address to UBCM (Union of BC Municipalities) delegates at the UBCM Convention being held at Whistler, used a portion of his 1 hour address to discuss how poorly the HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) was implemented and what will happen if the HST disappears next September

It is now clear that he has decided to play the politics of fear rather than the politics of inspiration to talk about the HST and I find that disappointing given his role as Premier and Leader of the Governing BC Liberals' and it just gives further credence to my personal fear that the more the Premier and the BC Liberals' try and defend passionately the HST, the more that recall campaigns will have an easier time to successfully recall BC Liberal MLA's like Donna Barnett (Cariboo-Chilcotin) and Terry Lake (Kamloops-North Thompson)

The more that Gordon Campbell & Colin Hansen try and say that the HST was not on the government's radar prior to the last Provincial Election in May of 2009 and given the evidence in March of 2009, Colin Hansen's own Ministry staff were actively looking into it - the more you'll hear people label Premier Campbell & Minister Hansen as "hypocrites".  They should just admit the truth as it appears - the government and its' staff had been looking at the HST and change the referendum vote to the end of this year or very early in 2011 from the Recall and Initiative Act to the Referendum Act and just ask people flat out - Is is your wish that the HST remain in the Province of BC? Yes or No.  And if it is no, then the government should forthwith remove the HST.  As well, all parties should be able to express their voice on the HST and the rules should be equal for all.  But the vote should be the final act of the voters' on the HST and then let's move on to other matters that need our attention - social issues, transportation, etc

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