Mayor Cook and Councillors T. Barr, G. Bourdon, N. Hébert, SPS Rathor and L. Walters
Councillor Sue Zacharias
Staff Present:
Brian Carruthers – CAO
Cindy Bouchard – Manager of Legislative Services
Candie Laporte - Director of Financial Services
Annie McKitrick - Acting Manager of Social Development
Meeting called to order at 6:00pm
Minutes of October 5th Council meeting approved
1) Mayor Cook presented a “Community Spirit Certificate” to the City of WL Winter Lights Committee
1) Council received for information a report from the City CAO regarding the 2010 UBCM (Union of BC Muncipalities) Annual Convention
2) Council approved associated travel expenses for Mayor Cook to co-present at the Ahead of the Curve: Tapping into the Prairies' Rich Leadership History in Saskatoon on October 29th, 2010.
3) Council approved placement of a quarter-page advertisement at a cost of $239.00 in the Williams Lake Tribune's 2010 Forest Capital commemorative magazine
4) Council approved the amendments to the Revitalization Tax Exemptions Bylaw #2077 and gave three readings to Williams Lake Revitalization Tax Exemptions Bylaw No. 2126, 2010. Council also referred Bylaw #2077 (Tax Revitalization Bylaw) to the Bylaw Review Committee
5) Council adopted Bylaw #2121, 2010 (2011 Borrowing in Anticipation of Property Tax Revenue)
6) Council adopted a number of Committee of the Whole Recommendations, as follows:
• Council approved the proposed permissive property tax exemptions for 2011 and Williams Lake Permissive Property Tax Exemptions Bylaw No. 2122, 2010 was read three times – Councillor Geoff Bourdon was opposed. Council also asked Staff to bring forward a Policy/Application Form on Permissive Property Tax Exemptions to a future Committee of the Whole Meeting
• Council approved the amendment to the permissive church property tax exemptions for 2011 and Williams Lake Church Taxation Exemption Amendment Bylaw No. 2123, 2010. City Staff were directed to bring back an amending Bylaw in 2012 to include the complete legal names, civic addresses and denominations for all properties contained therein
• Council approved the amendments to the private school tax exemptions for 2011 and Williams Lake Private School Tax Exemptions Bylaw No. 2125, 2010 three times. City Staff were directed to bring back an amending Bylaw in 2012 to include the complete legal names, civic addresses and denominations for all properties contained therein
• Council approved signs for lane usage on Mackenzie Avenue for vehicles over 11,500 kg gross vehicle weight.
• Council approved the Terms of Reference for the Cariboo Lodge Site Redevelopment Task Force as contained in the report from the Acting Social Development Manager – Councillor Surinder Rathor was opposed
• Council adopted the updated Housing Report and the proposed recommendations for developing an affordable housing strategy contained in the report from the Acting Social Development Manager as follows:
a) Assemble a meeting of housing providers (non-profit, private and public), members of the City’s Affordable Housing Committee, Social Planning Council, Canadian Mental Health Association Housing and Homelessness Committee and City Planning staff to begin the development of an Affordable Housing Strategy for the City that incorporates the ICSP strategies (the Affordable Housing Strategy should prioritize community needs, strategies and build a timeline and action plan based on identified current and future needs);
b) Meet with the Prosperity Mine proponents to discuss their HR strategies and the potential implications for housing in Williams Lake in the short and long term;
c) Support the provincial government Rental Subsidy program which helps working families with their rent;
d) Continue to identify potential land for affordable housing developments that can be designated in the Official Community Plan for that purpose;
e) Work with the existing Williams Lake organizations interested in housing to build capacity in the organizations to be able to undertake more complex housing projects such as the Cariboo Lodge site redevelopment; and Council will send letters to Interior Health after the consultation process with stakeholders regarding seniors living.
7) Council received for information the CRD Board Highlights from its’ October 7th, 2010 meeting
8) A letter from the Cariboo White Cane Chapter of the Canadian Council of the Blind regarding a request for the installation of acoustic locators for crosswalks at City intersections was received and a letter will be forwarded to the Cariboo White Cane Chapter – Canadian Council of the Blind advising that their request is being addressed in all current and future signal light upgrades, including those of the 2nd Avenue and Oliver Street and 8th Avenue and Oliver Street intersections
9) Council agreed to provide a letter of support for the request of the Cariboo Friendship Society to the Minister of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation for annual funding to sustain the vital role of Friendship Centres across BC
10) Council agreed to provide a letter of support for funding from the Salvation Army Divisional Headquarters for a Salvation Army Non-Residential Addictions Program
11) Council proclaimed the month of November as “Prayer Month” in the City of Williams Lake
12) Council approved the following with regard to Remembrance Day ceremonies/events in the City of Williams Lake:
• A “Poppy Campaign” sale days on October 29-31 and November 5-7, 2010 be approved
• Council approved the “Remembrance Day” parade route on November 11, 2010 and Council proclaimed the week of November 7 to 13, 2010 as "Veterans' Week" in the City of Williams Lake
• Council proclaimed a "2 Minute Wave of Silence" at 11:00 am on November 11, 2010;
• Council authorize use of the City Hall lobby for the Remembrance Day ceremonies on November 11, 2010
13) Council agreed to provide a letter of support to the local TRU Campus in their application to host the 2011 BC Rural Network AGM & Workshop
Members of Council gave oral reports on issues/events occurring in the City of Williams Lake
Meeting adjourned at 6:57pm
And one way a senior can maximize the available to accomplish all those things left undone is to decide to join a senior living facility, and be freed of the responsibility of caring for a home.