Tuesday, November 30, 2010

BC Liberal Party Leadership News...Tuesday, Nov 30th edition

Mike Smyth from the Vancouver Province reviews the announcement of Kevin Falcon announcing that he wants to be the Province's 35th Premier (and yes, he has stepped down as Health Minister).  See here

Ian Bailey from the Globe and Mail - BC Edition reviews Kevin Falcon's bid to become the next Premier and BC Liberal Party Leader.  See here

CBC-BC is running a story on Kevin Falcon's bid for the BC Liberal Party's top job.  See here

Tomorrow, Mike De Jong (BC Attorney-General & Gov't House Leader) is widely expected to announce that he is running to become the Province's 35th Premier.  As well, by next week, Christy Clark could announce that she wants to become the Province's 35th Premier.  I now believe with Mary Polak supporting Kevin Falcon, watch for Rich Coleman to announce that he will not seek the BC Liberal Party Leadership but also watch for Mr. Coleman to work behind the scenes to influence who becomes the next BC Liberal Party Leader & BC Premier. 

After Mr. De Jong & Ms. Clark announce - stay tuned here as I will announce who I'm personally supporting for the next BC Liberal Party Leader and the Province's 35th Premier

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