Saturday, November 13, 2010

BC Liberal Party Provincial Council makes decisions on upcoming Leadership Convention

Earlier today, the BC Liberal Party's Provincial Council, which is made up of 85 BC Liberal Party Riding Assocation Presidents', 12 Provincial Area Directors' and others, made some decisions relating to the upcoming Leadership Convention.  Those decisions include:

* Prefential Ballot system to be used to select the next BC Liberal Party Leader with a points-based system to ensure all votes are counted equally among the 85 Provincial Electoral Districts.  The first candidate to receive more than 50% of the points allocated on a provincial-wide count will become the next BC Liberal Party Leader

* In order to ratify the new leadership voting rules by a 2/3's vote of delegates present, a special BC Liberal Party Convention has been scheduled for Saturday, February 12th, 2011 at 1pm.  Only those delegates selected at the BC Liberal Riding Associations' AGM's earlier this year for the 2010 BC Liberal Party Biennial Convention are eligible to attend this special Convention

* The Biennial Convention has been now re-scheduled in Penticton, BC for Friday, May 13th & Saturday, May 14th, 2011

* The Leadership Convention Date, Nomination Criteria for Candidates, and voting methods for the Leadership Candidates will be determined next week as the BC Liberal Party's Provincial Council continues its' meeting

See the full press release from the BC Liberal Party here

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