Sunday, November 14, 2010

Bill Bennett calls on Gordon Campbell to leave as Premier/BC Liberal Party Leader forthwith

Earlier this evening, the BC Minister of Energy and Kootenay-East MLA Bill Bennett called upon Gordon Campbell to step down as Leader of the BC Liberal Party and allow current BC Finance Minister and Deputy Premier Colin Hansen to act as "Acting Premier", pending the selection of a new Leader of the BC Liberal Party.  Minister Bennett says the Party needs to get a fresh start with voters' and rebuild the trust lost with the HST debacle prior to the 2013 Provincial General Election.

This is a call that I wholeheartedly support and I hope Gordon Campbell does what Bill Bennett is calling on him to do and step down immediately in the best interests of the BC Liberal Party and the Province and I implore all BC Cabinet Ministers' to make similiar calls to Gordon Campbell, if they really want to stay in power, post 2013

See the CBC-BC website story here

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