Friday, November 12, 2010

Carole Taylor for BC Liberal Party Leader......NO!!!!!!!!

Over the last week or so - since the resignation of Gordon Campbell as BC Liberal Party Leader & BC Premier, there has been rampant media speculation around potential candidates for the upcoming BC Liberal Party Leadership Convention.  Such names include Carole Taylor (former BC Finance Minister), Rich Coleman (current Solicitor-General), Kevin Falcon (current BC Health Minister), George Abbott (current BC Education Minister), Dianne Watts (current Mayor of Surrey) and Blair Lekstrom (former BC Energy & Mines Minister and current MLA for Peace River-South)

Now, Kevin Falcon has repeated several times in the media that Carole Taylor would be a great candidate for BC Liberal Party Leader, if she decide to toss her hat into the ring and that Mr. Falcon would not run himself if she ran for the BC Liberal Party Leadership.  I suspect that the reverse is true - Kevin Falcon wants to run but doesn't want to appear too eager so it's the typical political play - Change the Channel

Now - as far as Carole Taylor goes, I will not be supporting her for BC Liberal Party Leader, given her support for the Carbon Tax (one tax that I staunchly oppose) and she represents the "urbans" of the province and I don't think she understands what Rural BC needs. 

I would be open to hear from other candidates like a Blair Lekstrom or even George Abbott as they understand the needs of Rural BC but also sympathizes with needs of Urban BC

It will be interesting to see what Dianne Watts's announcement next week on her intentions are vis-a-vis the BC Liberal Party Leadership

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