Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Central Cariboo Joint Committee Meeting Highlights - Nov 17th

WL City Council – Mayor Cook (Committee Co-Chair) and Councillors Barr, Bourdon, Hébert, Rathor, Walters and Zacharias

Cariboo Regional District – Area ‘E’ Director Steve Mazur (Committee Co-Chair), Area ‘D’ Director Deb Bischoff, Area ‘F’ Alternate Director Joan Sorley, Area ‘J’ Director Alex Bracewell and Area ‘K’ Director Rick Mumford

Also Present:

Brian Carruthers – CAO, City of WL
Darron Campbell – Manager of Community Services, CRD
Geoff Paynton – Director of Community Services, City of WL
Cindy Bouchard – Manager of Legislative Services, City of WL

Meeting called to order at 5:33pm by Co-Chair Mayor Kerry Cook

By Consensus – Agenda accepted for consideration with addition of 2 late items (Reconsideration of 2011 Business & Financial Plans for Central Cariboo Arts and Culture & 2011 Business/Financial Plans for Central Cariboo Victim Services Function)

By Consensus – Amended Minutes of Oct 27th Joint Committee meeting adopted

Delegation – Dr. Graham Kelsey from CCACS (local Arts and Culture Society) re: new Cultural Plan & Implementation Plan

Dr. Kelsey reviewed his letter to the Joint Committee
A Question and Answer Period ensued

Co-Chair Cook thanked Mr. Kelsey for his presentation


1) 2013/2015 Northern BC Winter Games

The City of WL Director of Community Services reviewed his report with the Joint Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

By Consensus - Joint Committee not support a bid for the 2013 or 2015 Northern BC Winter Games at this time & that City/CRD Staff with Central Cariboo Recreation Advisory Committee prepare a Strategic Plan for criteria for applying to host large sporting events

2) Cultural Plan / Implementation Plan for Central Cariboo Arts and Culture

The CRD Manager of Community Services reviewed his memo with the Joint Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

By Consensus – Cultural Plan/Implementation Plan be endorsed & recommendations of the strategy be endorsed to form the basis for an arts and culture service delivery agreement between the Regional District and the Society to begin in January
2011 & Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Society be requested to consider supporting CRD Forest Capital of Canada designation in 2011 in some manner. (CRD Area ‘D’ Director Bischoff opposed)

3) Late Item – 2011 Proposed Business/Financial Plans for Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Function

CRD Area ‘D’ Director Deb Bischoff & CRD Area ‘F’ Alternate Director Joan Sorley reviewed this item with Joint Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

By Consensus – 2011 Proposed Business & Financial Plans for Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Function be re-confirmed
(CRD Area ‘D’ Director Bischoff opposed)

4) Proposed 2011 Joint Committee Meeting Schedule

By Consensus – Joint Committee endorse attached meeting schedule for Joint Committee meetings’ in 2011

5) 2011 Grants-in-Aide

The City of WL CAO reviewed attached spreadsheets for 2011 Grant-in-Aide applications with the Joint Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

By Consensus – 2011 Grants-in-Aides be approved as follows (funded on 70% City of WL and 30% CRD split):

• Canadian Mental Health Association - $5000
• Lake City Derby Girls - $2500
• SPCA - $4600
• Gavin Lake Forest Education Society - $2500
• Cariboo Festival Society - $5000
• Blue Fins Swim Club - $2000
• WL Business Improvement Area (Street Party 2011) - $3000
• Farmers Market - $575
• Growers Co-op of Cariboo-Chilcotin - $5000
• WL Indoor Rodeo - $2000
• Winter Lights - $2800

WL City Councillors’ Geoff Bourdon and Natalie Hébert were opposed

6) Discussion Items – Director Bischoff:

a) Recreation Advisory Committee Quorum Issues – City of WL Community Services Director Geoff Paynton explained some of the quorum issues at the Committee and what was being done to fix the problem

By Consensus – Item received

b) Rotate 2011 Joint Committee Meeting locations – General Discussion ensued.

By Consensus - Item received. Status Quo endorsed (Meet 6 months at CRD & Meet 6 Months at City of WL)

7) Late Item – 2011 Business/Financial Plans for Central Cariboo Victim Services Function

CRD Area ‘F’ Alternate Director Joan Sorley & CRD Manager of Community Services reviewed this item with Joint Committee

Discussion ensued thereon

By Consensus – Victim Services 2011 Budget be increased to maximum allowed - $24,711 – and that a review of the Victim Services Function Bylaw be completed with a goal to increase the maximum requisition limit.

CRD Area ‘J’ Director Bracewell was opposed

8) Action Page

By Consensus – Item received

Meeting adjourned at 7:36pm

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