Wednesday, November 10, 2010

City of Quesnel to conduct Public Satisfaction Survey

Residents of Quesnel will have the opportunity to let their views be known as the City conducts a citizen satisfaction survey. The City will ask residents for their opinion on a wide variety of subjects, including quality of life, quality of services, and taxation.

Representatives from Discovery Research will conduct the telephone survey, with calls expected to begin on Monday November 15. The telephone survey is a statistically valid tool that will provide guidance to Quesnel City Council and staff.

"As we prepare for the budget cycle, Council wants to have a better understanding of our residents' expectations of the City," said Mayor Mary Sjostrom. "I encourage people to take the time to participate, as it will help Council develop budgets and our strategic plan."

The results will be collected and presented during budget deliberations in early 2011.

The City will also conduct a separate electronic survey, containing the same questions, for business and industry representatives, as well as residents who were not included in the telephone survey. This will be done in late November via e-mail distribution and a link off the City's website at

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