Monday, November 15, 2010

City of WL releases results of 3rd Quarter

From the City of Williams Lake:

The activation of the Emergency Operations Centre, and the rehabilitation of Mackenzie Avenue are among the highlights in the City’s third quarter report, received by City Council at its Nov. 9 regular meeting.

During the wildfires this summer, hundreds of Cariboo and Chilcotin residents were forced to evacuate to Williams Lake, where they were attended to by Williams Lake Emergency Social Services. The fires escalated to the point where an evacuation alert was issued in the northwest corner of the City. The City Emergency Operations Centre was activated and detailed planning was initiated for the possible evacuation of all City residents.

The paving of the entire length of Mackenzie Avenue was complete at the end of September, and both the provincial and federal governments gave permission to reallocate surplus funds to other paving projects in the city. The result was an additional $1 million in paving, completed this fall, with one-third of the funding coming from the City and two-thirds from senior governments.

Other highlights from the report:

• Council and the CAO attended the Union of British Columbia Municipalities Convention in Whistler from September 27 to October 1st. Highlights included the commitment of $1,000,000 to the Cariboo Chilcotin Beetle Action Coalition for three years and possible head-way with CN Rail on some pedestrian rail crossing issues.

• The City’s greenhouse gas emissions inventory and targets were approved by Council, leading the way to developing specific GHG strategies and monitoring progress in achieving the City’s GHG targets.

• Expenditures to the end of the third quarter are on target with the City’s budget.

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