Monday, November 1, 2010

CRD Board Highlights - October 29th meeting

CRD Board Highlights – Friday, October 29, 2010

Flu Clinics underway throughout the region

Flu clinics will be starting this week throughout the Cariboo Chilcotin. This year’s vaccine contains three different flu strains, one of which is the pandemic strain (H1N1) that circulated last year. Influenza (flu) shots are free for those 65 or older, people with chronic health conditions, or other at risk groups, including young children and pregnant women. Flu clinics start around the Interior this week. For further information clinics in your area, visit either Interior Health at or Northern Health at

Diagnostic Medical Sonographers

The Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District (CCRHD) received a report regarding the shortage of diagnostic medical sonographers within the province of BC. According to the report, throughout the five BC Health Authorities, there are a total of 41 current vacancies, nine of which are within Interior Health’s jurisdiction. The CCRHD will offer to work with the Health Authorities to look for further opportunities to assist with the recruitment of these medical professionals.

McLeese Lake Enhancement

Howie Chamberlin from the McLeese Lake Enhancement Committee appeared before the Board to provide a brief overview of some of the projects the committee has undertaken over the past few years. Projects include the demolition of the former gas station, beautification of local businesses and properties, and future plans to add gardens and possible murals. The group is also looking into the possibility of developing a community arts and culture program.

By-election slated for Electoral Area F

The residents of Electoral Area F will be heading to the polls to elect a new Electoral F Area Director as a result of the resignation of former Director Duncan Barnett. The Local Government Act, section 37, states that a by-election must be held to fill the vacancy created by this resignation. It is anticipated that the by-election will be held on Saturday, January 15th, 2011. Watch the CRD website at

108 Mile Heritage Site named to CRD Heritage Register

The Cariboo Regional District Board approved a request from the Heritage Committee to include the 108 Mile Heritage site on the CRD’s Heritage Registry. Staff will now notify the Minister responsible for Heritage Conservation, in order that the property can also be added to the provincial heritage registry. It is expected that the site will also be registered federally on the Canadian Register of Historic Places. For further information on the CRD’s Heritage Committee, visit us online at

Northern Medical Program Trust

The Cariboo Regional District was presented with a certificate of appreciation for its contribution to the Northern Medical Trust. At its January 22, 2010 meeting the CCRHD resolved to provide Northern Medical Programs Trust (NMPT) with a $30,000 annual contribution for 3 years to UNBC for medical related education programs. NMPT is a partnership of 20 northern communities and UNBC to support the Northern Medical Program (NMP) at UNBC and future students. The Trust’s strategy is to help ensure a long term solution to the physician shortage in Northern communities.


The Cariboo Regional District will be providing letters of support to all Cariboo Chilcotin Internet Service Providers (ISPs) when applying to funding programs for the purpose of expanding broadband and connectivity services to rural and remote communities throughout the CRD. Recently the third phase of the provincial Connecting Citizens Grant Program was announced and will be available to ISP until November 29, 2010. As part of the application process, ISP providers are required to include a letter of support from the presiding local government.

Fraser Salmon and Watersheds Program

The CRD will be sending a letter of support to the Fraser Salmon & Watersheds Program (FSWP), to help encourage replenishment of provincial funds to continue this program for another five years. The initial years of FSWP have demonstrated the potential value of FSWP’s delivery model, which aims to enable communities and watershed groups to steward their water and salmon resources by increasing collaboration and engagement and fostering leadership. The model delivers both direct results and increased capacity for communities to meet upcoming challenges from the uncertain and complex impacts of climate changes and development pressure. Further information about the program is available at

Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism Association

The CRD received two awards at the recent Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism Association annual general meeting in Quesnel. The first award was for the CRD’s participation in the BC Street initiative during the 2010 Olympics which was honoured with the Tourism Partnership Award. The second was a President’s Choice Award which was presented to the Regional District for its work to develop an accessible trail network. The City of Quesnel and the District of Lillooet were also recipients of a President’s Choice award and the Outside the Box award for their economic development/tourism partnership.

CRD Budget 2011

On Thursday, October 28, 2010, the CRD Board of Directors started the process of reviewing budgets and business plans for the upcoming 2011 fiscal year. As part of this process the Board will be making sure that the budgets and business plans fall in line with the Board strategic priorities identified during a recent strategic planning session. The next financial budget meeting will be taking place on Thursday, November 18. The final budget will be adopted in March 2011, following feedback and suggestions from residents on the proposed budgets through the Town Hall meeting consultation process in January and February.

Next Board Meeting

Friday, November 19th, 2010 in the CRD Boardroom

Next CRD Finance/Budget Committee Meeting

Thursday, November 18th, 2010 in the CRD Boardroom

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