Saturday, November 6, 2010

False Alarm Bylaw

On September 16th and 30th, City of Williams Lake Staff held 2 Public Consultation Meetings on the idea around a False Alarm Bylaw (Bylaw) in the City of Williams Lake
On Tuesday, November 9th – Brad McRae will be presenting the summary of those 2 Public Consultation Meetings with Bylaw #2127, 2010 to Council with a recommendation that Bylaw #2127, 2010 be read three times. It should be noted that at the September 16th Public Consultation Meeting – a mere 5 individuals (myself included) were present and I assume just as many were at the Sept 30th Public Consultation Meeting on a Draft False Alarm Bylaw
Some of the things in the Bylaw include:

  1. An Alarm Coordinator be appointed (not sure if this is a new position or use of current City of WL Staff resources)
  2. Reference to the former Private Investigators and Security Agencies Act. Anyone in the security industry knows that the Security Services Act is the current Act for all private security companies (alarm and guard) in the Province of BC
  3. $100 fine for every false alarm call-out attended by the RCMP & WL Fire Department if your alarm system is not registered with the City
  4. A progressive fine structure for residential/business if your alarm system is registered with the City and cause an false alarm to which the RCMP or WL Fire Department has to respond
  5. All alarm systems must be registered - new or existing
Williams Lake Council should give Bylaw #2127 two readings and treat it as if it were a OCP and Zoning Amendment Bylaw – 2 readings, Public Input, 3rd Reading and then adopt.

I note the City of Quesnel has engaged the public using the same process on a number of regulatory bylaws including a "Wood First" bylaw where Quesnel Council was not legally obligated to do so but chose to do so, I believe, because it was the right thing to do

The City of Williams Lake consulted on the idea around a False Alarm Bylaw and given now the City has now come out with the Bylaw – the public should have an additional opportunity to provide input to WL Council on the False Alarm Bylaw to ensure it is reflective on the public's need/desire to have an effective False Alarm Bylaw
Failure to do the above makes a mockery of Public Consultation and I note on Wednesday, November 24th will be the 1st year anniversary in which Williams Lake Council promised the community a policy on Public Consultation on Regulatory Bylaws, something that has yet to be formally considered by Council. Surely it should not take a year to have a Public Consultation Policy on Regulatory Bylaws, given the local Regional District did it in 3 months

In any event - you can read the report from Brad McRae (City of WL Senior Bylaw Officer) on the draft False Alarm Bylaw here

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