Friday, November 19, 2010

Former NDP MLA's signs joint Letter of Support for Carole James

CBC-BC is running a story on former BC NDP MLA's, Cabinet Ministers, former Cariboo-South MLA Dave Zirnhelt and 2 former BC NDP Leaders (Mike Harcourt and Joy McPhail) expressing their support for Carole James as Leader of the BC NDP. 

See the story here

I'd point that the list of invidiuals on this joint Letter of Support for Carole James as BC NDP Leader are the same people in the 90's that almost destroyed our province.  I don't put much stock if their letter will have much weight on the current situation within the BC NDP.  I suspect, short of Bob Simpson being allowed to return to the BC NDP Caucus, the question of how long can Carole James remain as BC NDP will still remain

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