Thursday, November 18, 2010

Nov 17th Central Cariboo Joint Committee Proceedings

A couple of things came out of Joint Committee that I found interesting:

1) Start of Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Function

During debate on the new Cultural & Implementation Plan for Arts & Culture - a little "war of words" between CRD Area 'D' Director Deb Bischoff & WL City Councillor Laurie Walters took place with Director Bischoff suggesting that the Central Cariboo Arts & Culture Function is a "child of CCBAC - Cariboo-Chilcotin Beetle Action Coalition" whereas Councillor Walters stoutly denied that suggestion.

Well - both are right and wrong.  It is true that CCBAC did start the "conversation" on a Regional Arts and Culture Function but ultimately the CRD Board of the Day (2008) rejected a region-wide Arts, Culture and Heritage Function, but allowed the-then Area 'F' Director Duncan Barnett to proceed with a Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Function which was approved by voters', via an Alternate Approval Process or counter-petition, in late 2008.  However, I do sympathize and agree with Director Bischoff that the new local Arts and Culture Society should approach the local Beetle Action Coalition for funding, in addition to other sources, to fund improvements to the Central Cariboo Arts Center.  I also agree with Councillor Tom Barr who says that taxpayers' should not be on the hook for improvements to the Arts Center and perhaps fundraising should be pursued in addition to other measures.  This idea didn't get unanimous support as Councillor Zacharias feels fundraiser is inappropriate given the structure of the Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Society (CCACS).  All the more reason that Dr. Graham Kelsey and his collegeus on the CCACS need to meet with the public (90% of their budget is coming from taxpayers - local Arts & Culture Function)

2) Mayor Cook and Grants-in-Aide

Last night in a verbal tirade, Mayor Cook demanded the Joint Committee to be careful around approvals for Grants-in-Aide for 2011 as Joint Committee will have to defend this in front of taxpayers.  This coming from a Mayor who raised property taxes two years running and doesn't blink a eye and doesn't raise her voice to it except to say - We have no choice.   Talk about moral indignation and hypocrisy...

And while I'm at it - I'm disappointed that Council's reps to BIA - Councillors' Geoff Bourdon & Tom Barr - did not do their homework to ensure that BIA's Grant-in-Aide application for $5,000 for Street Party 2011 matched what was before Joint Committee.  Now, Joint Committee did approve $3,000 for Street Party however the BIA Manager, Judy O'Neill, has given me assurance that she intends to follow-up with Councillor Bourdon to ensure he understands why BIA, if it is going to put on a successful Street Party in 2011, needs its' full $5,000 rather than $3,000.  For the record, Joint Committee approved-in-principle (will be ratified at Dec 9th meeting) roughly $42,000 in Grants-in-Aide with a surplus of $7,000 remaining so BIA's full $5,000 Grant-in-Aide application could be accommodated and it should - Street Party is a huge & successful event in concert with the Williams Lake Stampede.  Ms. O'Neill tells me that BIA's ultimate goal is to fund Street Party via Fee-for-Service and that's a goal that I wholeheartedly endorse and I hope that she is successful in that goal.  If not, I would be prepared to assist her in that cause, if asked

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