Tuesday, November 9, 2010

WL Council Meeting Highlights - November 9th

Present: Mayor Cook and Councillors’ T. Barr, G. Bourdon, SPS Rathor, L. Walters and S. Zacharias

Absent: Councillor Natalie Hébert

Staff Present:

Geoff Goodall – General Manager of Planning & Operations / Acting CAO
Cindy Bouchard – Manager of Legislative Services
Tom Chung – IT Manager
Ken MacInnis – Communications Coordinator
Brad McRae – Senior Bylaw Officer

Meeting called to order at 6:00pm
Minutes of October 19th Regular Meeting and October 28th Special Meeting approved, as amended


1) Prayer by Jeremy Vogt (WL Ministerial Association)

2) Wendy Chevigny appeared before Council regarding Day of Remembrance & Action – Violence Against Women on December 6th

3) Allison Ruault & Catherine Whitman from Interior Health appeared before Council to give updates on Acute Care & Community Supports


1) Council adopted 10 Central Cariboo Joint Committee recommendations as follows:

a) The Amendments to Terms of Reference for the Central Cariboo Joint Committee were approved regarding Quorum for the Joint Committee, when the Agenda is distributed to all Joint Committee members and when late items will be accepted for consideration

b) Council approved the new Policy regarding “Image Recording Devices” (prohibition of use in all facility change rooms, dressing rooms and washrooms) at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex

c) Council received the Cariboo Recreation Memorial Complex Building Audit for information

d) Council approved that the Pool and Fitness Centre be opened on Thanksgiving Day, Wrestling Day, Victoria Day, BC Day and Remembrance Day from 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm for Everybody Welcome Swims; and the Facility Management Agreement between the City of WL and Cariboo Regional District will be amended accordingly.

e) Council approved 50% of advertising revenue at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex to be distributed among WL Minor Hockey Association, WL Figure Skating Club, Blue Fins Swim Club, WL Lacrosse Club, and the WL Stampeders Hockey Club

f) Council referred to the Cariboo Regional District (CRD) the funding request of the Station House Gallery & Studio Society for consideration under the CRD’s Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Function

g) Council will write the Scout Island Nature Centre advising that a working Committee has been established to research the idea around a Joint Fee-for-Service program between the City of WL and CRD

h) Council received for information the Survey Results for the Solid Waste Management Plan Review

i) Council received for information the October Arts and Culture report

j) Council approved the Central Cariboo Arts Centre Management agreement

2) Council received for information a report from Councillor Rathor regarding the 2010 WL Stampede Association’s Annual General Meeting

3) Council denied the request to advertise in ‘The Stew’ Magazine and that the information provided will be forwarded to the CRD for consideration of funding under the Central Cariboo Arts & Culture Function

4) Council received for information the Interim Financial Statements report for the period ending September 30th, 2010

5) Road Closure Bylaw No. 2124 (Donald Rd) was given three readings and forwarded to the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure for approval; and City Staff were directed to begin the process of public notification.

6) Council approved the installation of streetlights in the 5th Avenue laneway between Proctor Street and Comer Street.

7) Council gave three readings to False Alarm Bylaw #2127, 2010

8) Council denied the request from the Canadian Mental Health Association for the donation of a Dropmore Linden memorial tree and plaque in Boitanio Park in honour of World Suicide Prevention Day.

9) Council adopted 3 Committee of the Whole Recommendations, as follows:

a) Council approved the Terms of Reference for the Heritage Advisory Committee and Staff were directed to engage in a public advertising campaign promoting the Heritage Advisory Committee and call for nominations for membership on the Committee

b) Council received for information the 2010 Third Quarter Report

c) Council extended the tender awarded to Lambourne Environmental Services to 2011 to complete the dewatering of the sewage treatment anaerobic cells

10) Council received for information the CRD’s October 29th Board Meeting Highlights

11) Council received a letter from the Quesnel River Research Centre requesting a letter of support for their funding application to the Social Science and Humanities Council of Canada to host three workshops in 2011 on Climate Change, Water and Salmon

12) Council declared December 6th as a “Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women” and gave approval for the “Day of Remembrance & Action on Violence Against Women” walk starting at 5pm on December 6th

13) Council gave approval for the Annual Santa Parade & Winter Lights Christmas Magic Light Up on Friday, November 26th. The local Business Improvement Area was also granted permission to use the entire Spirit Square and parking lots from 8am – 10pm on Friday, November 26th

Members of Council gave oral reports on issues/events occurring in the City of WL

Meeting adjourned at 8:00pm

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