Friday, November 5, 2010

WL & District Chamber of Commerce calling together public and BC Conservative MP's over rejected Prosperity Mine

As all will see in today's Williams Lake Tribune Weekender, at the last Williams Lake & District Chamber of Commerce meeting, an unanimous motion was passed asking a meeting be set up between the public, WL & District Chamber of Commerce Directors and all BC Conservative MP's including Cariboo-PG Conservative MP Dick Harris to explain Ottawa's decision to reject Prosperity Mine and that the meeting take place prior to Christmas

This meeting is a excellent idea by the local Chamber of Commerce as it'll allow information sharing around how/why Ottawa made the decision to kill the proposed Prosperity Mine and where does the community go from here. 

When the meeting date/location is announced, I will post it here and I urge everyone in the community to come to this meeting to let your local MP and the BC Conservative MP's know how frustrated you are around Ottawa's decision to kill Prosperity Mine and let them know what next steps should be done around Prosperity Mine (subject to Taseko Mines deciding to re-submitting a "re-tooled" Prosperity Mine proposal)

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