Friday, December 10, 2010

BC Liberal Party Leadership Candidates in Cariboo-Chilcotin

With Christy Clark announcing - that should end the list of the "legitimate" candidates for the BC Liberal Party Leadership.  Anyone else announcing is a "protest vote"

So far, Mike De Jong paid a visit to BC Liberals' in Cariboo-Chilcotin on Friday, Dec 3rd with Christy Clark paying a visit to BC Liberals' in both Williams Lake & 100 Mile House this past Thursday.  Hopefully, George Abbott, Kevin Falcon and Moira Stilwell will pay a visit to the Cariboo-Chilcotin before the Feb 26th BC Liberal Party Leadership Vote

At this point - I can say with 100% certainty that I will not be supporting Moira Stilwell and Kevin Falcon on Feb 26th and allow me to explain why:

Moira Stilwell - new player to provincial politics.  Elected in May of 2009.  Believe she needs to learn a thing or two before she could have the experience to be a poltical party leader. 

Kevin Falcon - Although he has excelled well in the Health and Transportation Ministries, he reminds me too much of Gordon Campbell style of leadership

Over the next little while - I'll be looking very seriously at Christy Clark & Mike De Jong.  George Abbott - I'll be keeping a close eye on him but it'll be truly heartbreaking for me to choose one candidate between Christy and Mike because both are outstanding candidates, but when I render a decision, I'll post it here


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