Thursday, December 2, 2010

City of WL calls for applicants for Advisory Committees

From the City of Williams Lake - As a 5 year member of the City's Advisory Planning Commission, I've had fun serving there and hope that residents' will see an interest in influencing Council's decision-making on land-use, heritage and recreation

Have you ever wanted to have your say on some of the issues in the City of Williams Lake? Do you want to help determine how the City makes some of its decisions?

Now is your chance, as City Council will be making appointments in January 2011 to four advisory committees: The Advisory Planning Commission, the Accessibility Advisory Committee, the Heritage Advisory Committee, and the Recreation Advisory Committee.

“The City works best when it has committed, passionate, and energetic residents offering their advice,” says Mayor Kerry Cook. “I encourage all residents with an interest to apply to serve on these advisory committees.”

The Advisory Planning Commission is a forum for citizen input into the planning and development process. The Commission consists of seven citizens who make recommendations to Council on community and neighbourhood plans, zoning applications, and development permits. Members are appointed for a one-year term.

The Accessibility Advisory Committee consists of nine members, whose mission is to remove physical and social barriers so that persons with disabilities can fully participate in all aspects of community life. The committee will be made up of two members with a disability, three members representing service providers for people with a disability, two senior’s representatives, and two members at large. Members are appointed for a one-year term.

The Heritage Advisory Committee’s purpose is to investigate any matters pertaining to heritage conservation, and provide Council with recommendations on heritage matters. The committee will also advise Council on matters dealing with the City’s heritage register. Five members will serve two-year terms.

The Recreation Advisory Committee advises Council and the Joint Committee of Council and Directors of Cariboo Regional District Electoral Areas D, E, and F on matters relating to recreation, facilities and services. Of the committee members, a maximum of three will be residents of the City of Williams Lake, and a maximum of three will be residents of Electoral Areas D, E, or F. Members serve for two-year terms and are appointed by the Joint Committee, with approval by City Council and the CRD Board of Directors.

The City will receive written applications up to and including Friday, December 31, 2010. Applications must include name, address, home and work telephone numbers, together with an outline of the reasons for your interest in serving on the committee. Applicants may indicate their first and alternate choice. A Striking Committee of Council will consider all applications.
To submit your application, or for more information about advisory committees, contact Cindy Bouchard, Manager of Legislative Services, at 250-392-1773 or

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