Friday, December 3, 2010

Former NDP Cabinet Ministers' call for solidarity with BC NDP Caucus

Over at - former NDP Cabinet Ministers Corky Evans (a great orator) and Paul Ramsey call on the entire BC NDP Caucus to solve its' public woes quickly to present a credible alternative to the BC Liberals:

See Paul Ramsey's letter here
See Corky Evans's letter here

Note - with the BC NDP Emergency Caucus Meeting this weekend - I strongly suspect that the "Baker's Dozen" dissident NDP MLA's will demand Carole James to call a leadership convention ASAP.  Ms. James will refuse and then they (13 dissident NDP MLA's) will be booted from the NDP Caucus only making a very public battle much more worse but a shining gift to all BC Liberal Leadership Candidates as the longer the NDP Caucus public battle drags out, the better the electoral chances for the BC Liberals' for a 4th term as government

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