Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Local News - Tuesday, Dec 14th edition

In the Williams Lake Tribune today:

* Success in Tribune's 8th Annual Toy and Food Drive - see here
* Pioneer Log Homes to be involved in 2nd project for Extreme Makeover - see here
* Recall still "an option" for Donna Barnett says local recall organizers - see here
* Local Chamber of Commerce looking at mininum wage - see here
* Christy Clark (BC Liberal Party Leadership Candidate) in Williams Lake last Thursday - see here
* Local truck driver Tim Best blasts WL Council over new signage requiring truck drivers to drive in curb lane only on Mackenzie Avenue - see here (Note - I'd be curious if other truck drivers in the City feel the same as Mr. Best and if so, perhaps WL Council should revisit the signage on Mackenzie Avenue)

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