Thursday, December 30, 2010

Mike De Jong vs John Rustad on disclosure of MLA's spending

Over at Globe and Mail - BC Edition, Justine Hunter reports on a little debate within the BC Liberal Party Leadership Race between Mike De Jong (BC Liberal Party Leadership Candidate) and John Rustad (MLA for Nechako Lakes & supporter of BC Liberal Party Leadership Candidate George Abbott)

See the article here

John Rustad's Facebook status message on this subject was:

Mike de Jong has raised the issue of MLA spending accountability. I have no problem with this but I do take issue with my colleague disparaging me. For the record, I've posted my expenses on facebook and I'd be happy to provide details to any reporter's request. The real question in my mind is why don't we expand the Auditor General's role to look at ALL tax payer money being spent? This would include municipalities, first nations and anywhere tax payer money is being spent

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