Wednesday, December 15, 2010

My Take on the Public Meeting on an Indoor Turf Facility

Earlier tonight, City of Williams Lake Staff & Elected Officials along with CRD Elected Officials from Areas D and F met with the public around the idea on an Indoor Turf Facility for the Central Cariboo region

In the hour and a half meeting, a good dialogue, moderated by Brian Carruthers (City of WL CAO), was had around the idea for a Indoor Soccer Facility for the Williams Lake area.  Concerns around how it would be financed and whether investing in sports got prefential treatment to investing in the arts

I believe the elected officials (City of WL & CRD) got a clear message around where the public is at on an Indoor Turf Facility.  The public who attended tonight agreed to get back on a Task Force to move this project forward

My only concern is that we have forgotten that the local Recreation Complex will very soon need some major facelifts, costing in the tens of millions of dollars and again, we may need to borrow money for that or another option on the table is to partner with the private sector to get this done.  If we want a good, high-quality recreation facility then we need to be open to all options and I believe the public agrees with this, especially with regard to an Indoor Turf Facility - that all options, including funding, are on the table

Stay tuned, as they say....

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