Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Quesnel Council Highlights - December 13th Special Meeting

2010 in review

2010 was a busy year for the City of Quesnel. Mayor Mary Sjostrom presented a list of accomplishments including such highlights as: the Olympic Torch's arrival in Quesnel; passing the province's first Wood First Bylaw; the reconstruction of the Fraser River Footbridge; and working with the Cariboo Regional District to complete the Wood-First Request for Qualifications and Request for Proposals for the North Cariboo Multi-Centre. Other notable accomplishments include: the bulk water distribution plant opening; SkyFest 2010; and the 100th anniversary of the Quesnel Volunteer Fire Department. The complete report is available on the City's website at http://www.city.quesnel.bc.ca/.

Recycling station to remain

City staff were able to reach an agreement with West Park Mall management that will see the recycling depot remain in its popular location on a trial basis. The station will move to another location in the parking lot, closer to Baker Creek. The City has also promised enhanced patrols of the area to discourage loitering and to keep an eye on the station's cleanliness. The trial will be re-evaluated at the end of January. City Council thanked the West Park Mall for their cooperation and flexibility.

Committee appointments set

Council reviewed the list of committee appointments for the upcoming year. Councillors' portfolios for 2011 are:

Mayor Mary Sjostrom - Executive Committee Chair.
Coun. Peter Couldwell -Executive Committee
Coun. Sushil Thapar - Finance
Coun. Ron Paull - Transportation
Coun. Coralee Oakes - Safety and Protection Coun. Laurey-Anne Roodenburg - Community Involvement Coun. Mike Cave - Environment The representative to the Cariboo Regional District Board will be Mayor Sjostrom, with Coun. Roodenburg acting as the alternate.

A complete list of Council's responsibilities is available on the City's website at http://www.city.quesnel.bc.ca/

Other News

Two new working groups of City Council will be created to review the City's bylaws and policies. Staff will prepare a list of bylaws and policies that need an update for the working groups to consider.

The City will apply to the TD Green Streets program for $15,000 in funding for new trees in the West Fraser Timber Park. TD Green Streets is a national program that encourages leading edge practices in municipal forests.

Council will provide the Quesnel Flying Club with an additional $1,800 to cover the cost of fuel associated with SkyFest 2010. As the event was such a success and generated significant infusion into Quesnel's aviation tourism industry, Council deemed the expense appropriate. The funds will come from Council's contingency account.

Council received a report outlining the City's climate action progress. This report is required for communities to receive a grant equal to 100 per cent of the carbon tax paid in 2010. It outlines: the commitments made by the City; the measurement work regarding greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption; and a summary of corporate and community actions taken this year and those proposed for 2011.

The City will apply to the Innovations Fund and the Green Municipal Fund for $100,000 each to prepare the City's Integrated Community Sustainability Plan (ICSP). As a local government that receives Gas Tax funding, the City must prepare an ICSP. The ICSP is a long-term planning tool that considers multiple sustainability factors (environment, economy, culture etc) and sets direction for the community to follow. The only cost to the City, if the grant application is successful, is an estimated $5,000 to prepare the application plus staff time.

Important Dates

Next Delegation Meeting:
Tuesday, January 4 (if necessary)

Friday, Jan. 7 - Deadline for applications for the Quesnel Community Foundation.

Next Regular Council Meeting:
Monday, January 10

Next Committee of the Whole Meeting:
Monday, January 17
Budget meeting, including public consultation and results of the Citizen Satisfaction Survey.

Next North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee Meeting:
Tuesday, January 11th

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