Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Rich Coleman backs Kevin Falcon

Globe and Mail reports that Solicitor-General Rich Coleman has decided to back Kevin Falcon for the BC Liberal Party Leadership and 35th Premier of BC.  See here

See Public Eye Online's take on this story here

My take on it is that it is not as signficant as one might think.  Remember to ask - does Rich Coleman's "machine" exist in all of BC or not?".  In my humble opinion - no.  Mr. Coleman backing Mr. Falcon will be significant if BC Liberal Party Delegates do not authorize changes to the Party's Constitution regarding the counting of the Leadership Ballots (1 person-1 vote to a weighted vote system).  Also, Mr. Coleman was never going to back anyone but Kevin Falcon.  If it wasn't for Mary Polak backing Falcon, Coleman would have been on the road campaigning and likely Falcon would be campaigning with Coleman as both come from the right side of the political coalition within the BC Liberals and why there is a push within both the Coleman/Falcon camps (mostly Federal Conservatives) to keep Christy Clark from winning as they see her from the left side (Federal Liberals)

Stay tuned, folks....

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