Saturday, December 11, 2010

Social Media Policy

On Tuesday, WL Council in Committee will consider a proposal from the Communications Coordinator on a draft Social Media Policy.  See his report here

Overall - this is a good news story and believe you'll see many other muncipalities & regional districts go down this road as well

One part of the proposed Policy I think could be improved is the suggestion that Mayor and Council are prohibited from uploading content to the City's Facebook, YouTube and other social media accounts.  It should be changed to: Mayor & Councillors' can not upload content to the City's Social Media accounts unless prior approval from the City's CAO is sought and approval granted & it relates to their Committee

Nonetheless though - this is something the City should move forward on quickly

Note - Ken MacInnis states in his report that updates to the current City website should be done in 1st Quarter of 2011 (Jan 1 - March 31, 2011)

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