Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Steve Rant - Councillor Rathor & Local Media/Press Releases at WL City Hall

Last night, at the Committee of the Whole Meeting, during discussion on a Social Media Policy for the City, Councillor Rathor raised two concerns with WL Council:

1) Local media using City of WL Press releases "word-for-word" rather than doing "true journalism"
2) Length of Council Meeting Highlights Press Release - 1 Page (City of Quesnel) vs 3 to 5 pages (City of WL)

On Point 1 - City Staff pointed out, and rightfully so, that they can't and nor should they, tell the local media (Tribune, Advisor, Welcome to Williams Lake, The Rush/The Wolf) how to do their job.  However, Councillor Rathor's colleagues, like Councillor Geoff Bourdon and Laurie Walters, should have been as civil as Mayor Cook and City Staff were.  Instead Councillors Bourdon and Walters went for the "jugular" and that is unfortunate because they could have been diplomatic and constructive in their criticism of Councillor Rathor's concern about local media & City of WL Press Releases.  Councillor Rathor should take up this matter properly with Erin Hitchcock/Lorne Doerkson at the Tribune/Advisor and I have no doubt that they would listen to his concerns with an open ear and try to work with him to address his concerns

On Point 2 - I knew what Councillor Rathor was talking about but unfortunately Council rushed to judgement on his concern, mainly because his English is not as polished as myself and others in this community and Council really did him a disservice by not waiting for him to express his concerns before trying to work with him on addressing his concern.

Notwithstanding this - his concern is valid - if the City of Quesnel, the Cariboo Regional District, Thompson-Nicola Regional District and others can have a 1 Page Highlight detailing the outcome of their meeting then there is no real reason for the City of Williams Lake not to do so as well.  In fact, the City of Williams Lake was, as recent as 2009 was doing a "1-Page Council Meeting Highlight" and it is time to return to that practice as it makes for easier reading for others in this community/local media


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