Tuesday, December 7, 2010

WL Council Meeting Highlights - December 7th

Present: Mayor Cook and Councillors’ T. Barr, G. Bourdon, N. Hébert, SPS Rathor, and L. Walters

Absent: Councillor Sue Zacharias

Staff Present:

Brian Carruthers - CAO
Cindy Bouchard – Manager of Legislative Services
Tom Chung – IT Manager
Ken MacInnis – Communications Coordinator
Brad McRae – Senior Bylaw Officer
Geoff Goodall – General Manager of Planning and Operations
Annie McKitrick – Acting Manager of Social Development

Meeting called to order at 6:00pm
Minutes of November 23rd WL Council meeting approved


1) Ed Mead, Brian Stefan and Jack Beltgens presented Council with a petition regarding the operations of Pinnacle Pellet Plant (Council referred this matter to the Planning & Operations Committee)
2) Nathan Lane, Executive Director & Alex McLellan, Research Coordinator, Thompson Rivers University Students' Union appeared before Council to request a “Letter of Support” for the “Drop Fees” Campaign (Council referred this matter to the Community Services Committee)


1) Council adopted their meeting schedule for 2011
2) Council received Mayor Cook’s Council appointments including the 3 Standing Committee assignments for 2011
3) Council reappointed Mayor Cook as the CRD Director for Williams Lake for 2011 with Councillors’ Sue Zacharias and Surinderpal Rathor as Alternate CRD Directors for Williams Lake
4) Council approved the “Acting Mayor” List for 2011
5) Council approved “Sunday, January 2nd, 2011” as Wresting Day in the City of Williams Lake
6) Council endorsed a number of Central Cariboo Joint Committee recommendations as follows:

a) Approval of 2011 Central Cariboo Joint Committee Meetings’
b) Approval of 2011 Grants in Aide – City Councillors Geoff Bourdon and Natalie Hébert opposed
c) Council to request Joint Committee to review Grant-in-Aide policy in time for 2012 Grant-in-Aides
d) Cultural Plan and Implementation Strategy for the Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Function

7) Council approved a Victim Impact Statement for consideration by the courts in the sentencing of those convicted of drug offences. (Councillor Natalie Hébert declared a conflict of interest on this item as she is a defence lawyer)
8) Council approved entering into three (3) Road Improvement Agreements with the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia and the proceeds were placed in the reserve account for future paving projects.
9) Council awarded the contract for the supply of unleaded gasoline and diesel fuel to United Petroleum for the tendered price of $0.98 per litre $1.08 per litre, respectively, with all prices based on a yearly consumption of 62,000 litres of unleaded gasoline and 57,000 litres of diesel fuel
10) Council gave early budget approval to purchase an aviation fuel bowser for the Williams Lake Airport at an approximate cost of $140,000 USD, plus taxes and handling and City Staff were authorized to proceed with an engineering request for proposals for fuel system upgrades at an estimated cost of $20,000, with funds to be allocated from the Airport Reserve Account.
11) Council approved the initiation of a Junior Council program beginning in January 2011 and allocate the sum of five hundred dollars per school year towards activities. Junior Council will be loosely modeled after the Town of Clearwater Junior Council and Staff were directed to bring a Terms of Reference for the program back to Council for review and approval.
12) Council received the Youth & Young Adult Housing Needs Report for information and Staff were directed to consider the report in the creation of the Housing Strategy Report.
13) Council adopted two Committee of the Whole Recommendations as follows:

a) Council approved an application to the "TD Green Streets" funding program to fund up to 50% of costs to initiate a "tree farm project" on the Williams Lake Airport lands to grow seedlings for planting vegetation across the City; and further, Council commit to funding the remainder of the project's costs
b) Council approved the implementation of off-street parking signage and passes at 175 4th Avenue North in order to provide the Canadian Mental Health Association's (CMHA) Jubilee Place staff with exclusive parking spaces in front of the Cariboo Lodge, pursuant to Section 4.1 Easement of the current Cariboo Lodge Lease Agreement between the City of Williams Lake and CMHA

14) Council gave three readings to Bylaw 2128, 2010 (Williams Lake Graffiti Bylaw)
15) Council received for information the CRD Board Highlights from its’ November 19th Meeting
16) Council received for information the Council Information Package

Mayor and Council made oral reports on issues/events occurring in the City of Williams Lake

Meeting adjourned at 8:30pm

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